REVIEW BY J. LYNN ELSE This dual-timeline story follows the lives of Violet Jessop, who in real life survived the maritime disasters of the Olympic, Titanic, and Britannic, and that of Daphne Chaundanson, daughter of a famous actor who becomes an agent for the Special Operations Executive (SOE), French Section, during WWII. The book opens with young Violet, a White Star Line stewardess, preparing for the Titanic’s departure from Southampton Port. Despite her frightening experience on the Olympic, the tips she receives from passengers help support her mother and siblings. Daphne’s story opens in 1942 as she interviews to join a resistance movement. Angered by the Germans’ invasion of her home country, she sets out to break the German oppression. One connecting thread ties these two women, and two wars, together in tragedy. To me, one of the most difficult aspects of writing historical fiction is creating authentic character mindsets, and Walsh captures this aspect beautifully. Daphne is passionate about taking back her country and is modeled upon the experiences of the 39 real-life SOE women. For Violet, the Titanic’s a job. She knows details employees of White Star Line would know, like the proper way to secure a life vest under a coat despite the uncomfortableness of the stiff cork against the body. While history tells us what happened, through Walsh’s compassionate prose, we’re able to feel what happened as well. Sitting in a lifeboat, wrapped in shadows of the night, as a ship groans its last and plunges into the Atlantic to the setting of explosives in a German depot while guard dogs bark close by: these settings feel that much more authentic under Walsh’s deft pen. Unsinkable is a story of courage, resilience, and steering your own course in life. Recommended! Appeared in Issue 107 (February 2024) and online: https://historicalnovelsociety.org/reviews/unsinkable-2/ I'm trying to find the words but I think I'm still a little shocked? Here goes! Unsinkable is an instant USA Today Bestseller!! I'm so grateful. Ever since I began writing my first book in 2011, I dreamed of being able to call myself a bestseller. It may have taken 15 books (3 unpublished/shelved, 12 published) but here I am... finally. And I have all of you to thank for it! I'm seriously so appreciative of all the purchases, shares, downloads, recommendations, posts, shouts, congratulations that went into putting Unsinkable on a bestseller list. Thank you to the USA Today team for placing my little book baby in the top 150 for this week! <3 <3 <3 Booklist Online Exclusive: December 22, 2023
Unsinkable. By Jenni L. Walsh Jan. 2024. 400p. Harper Muse, paper, $17.99 (9781400233946) Walsh’s latest (after The Call of the Wrens, 2022) is a heartfelt tale of two women in two times. Unsinkable joins the ranks of other spy novels written in this vein, but Walsh’s prose truly allows the reader to enter the mind and heart of each character, bringing their motivations, flaws, and desires to light. Violet Jessop begins her story as a stewardess on the Titanic. She survives not just one but three disasters at sea, but she is unable to separate herself from her jobs despite the dangers. Daphne, who has aquaphobia, joins the war efforts in WWII to make her estranged father proud, and finds new reasons to continue her work as part of the French Resistance. Both must decide how those circumstances will shape their futures. Walsh skillfully crafts two well-rounded characters who grapple with internal and external conflict, and yet who honestly earn their resolutions. — Lily Hunter Calling all book influencers!
Check out this fun opportunity to read Unsinkable prior to release for those also on Instagram! I was completely blown away by the excitement and support for The Call of the Wrens during last year's Instagram Tour (photo proof!! <3) so.... I'm bringing it back! This time for UNSINKABLE, releasing next Jan! If you'd like to join in the fun, check out this link: https://www.jennilwalsh.com/unsinkable-interest-form.html And a big big thanks to all the amazing book lovers out there who share their love <3 |
November 2024